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Your Most Faithful Companion Chapter 15 - Dispute

  Please consider turning off your Adblockers to suport this website. Thank you! <3 Chapter 15 – Dispute   ……?   For a few seconds, Ji Mingshu didn't understand what Gu Kaiyang was talking about.   The name "Zhang Baoshu", and only the word "Shu", which is the same as her, briefly left an impression in her mind.   "What? Who and Cen Sen?” As soon as the words came out, Ji Mingshu remembered that Gu Kaiyang also said a definite sentence - a woman.   She was stunned for a moment, and then without saying a word, she took out her mobile phone from her bag and opened Weibo.   This matter has not been fermented to the outside world, there is no relevant news on the homepage at all, and Zhang Baoshu is at most, a fourth or fifth line in terms of popularity. This means that if she doesn’t take the initiative to buy hot search, she will not easily appear on the hot search list. People will not care about a little starlet’s private life.   Ji Mingshu looked at the
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The Rich Girl Will Not Be Poor Chapter 9

  Please consider turning off your Adblockers to support this website. Thank you! <3 Chapter 9 - Ideas Tong Yuwu always has someone by her side. She was sitting aside drinking champagne. Just when she was quiet for a while, a young woman in a red dress came. The person who came was Lu Yinyin, who could be considered as Tong Yuwu's follower. Before Tong Yuwu and Fu Liheng were together, even someone like Lu Yinyin had the capital to look down on her, but now the situation has changed. "Yuwu, guess who I met yesterday?" Lu Yinyin sat next to Tong Yuwu and said in a low voice with a mysterious look. Tong Yuwu finally perked up and glanced at her, her eyebrows curved: "Who is it?" Every time Lu Yinyin saw Tong Yuwu dressed like this, she would feel jealousy in her heart. However, this feeling of jealousy instantly subsided after seeing her face. If you compare goods to others, you will throw them away; if you compare people to others, you will be damned.

The Right Way to Approach the Goddess Chapter 15

  Please consider turning off your Adblockers to support this website. Thank you! <3 Chapter 15 – Reluctance "I'm sorry, it feels like it's because of me that you have to stay after school." It was Chen Hang's voice that pulled her out of her thoughts. He pulled out the stool next to her desk and sat down. He was holding two cartons of Vita Lemon Tea in his hands. Luo Zhuowei probably guessed what Chen Hang meant, but she just waited silently for Chen Hang to put one of the carton of juice on her table. Then she turned to look at him with a smile and asked, "So this is an apology?" "A small tribute~" Hearing the joking meaning in her words, Chen Hang replied with a smile, taking out his paper and deliberately saying these words in a coquettish voice. Luo Zhuowei laughed, then realized that she had gone too far and quickly picked up the text book that the teacher had given her, and said softly, "Then I'll start."

The Right Way to Approach the Goddess Chapter 14

  Please consider turning off your Adblockers to support this website. Thank you! <3 Chapter 14 – Observation The seats by the window have a good view, and because Class 2-3 of Senior High School is on the second floor, Luo Zhuowei can clearly see the playground and the four basketball courts next to the playground when looking out the window from her seat.   Luo Zhuowei is a typical good student who is trusted by all teachers. After school, she is often called by teachers to stay and help deal with some things.   Sometimes she and the class monitor were the only ones left in the classroom, and sometimes she was the only one left.   Once the classroom became quiet, the lively sounds of the court below the window became clearly audible: the sound of basketballs hitting the floor, the short squeaks of sneakers rubbing against each other, and the half-indistinct sounds of boys talking and laughing.   The adolescent boys, who have so much energy that they have nowhere to vent it, love b

The Right Way to Approach the Goddess Chapter 13

  Please consider turning off your Adblockers to support this website. Thank you! <3 Chapter 13 – Stay After Class Thanks to that bastard Lin Haoyuan, I couldn’t sleep last night.   The words "Luo Zhuowei is interested in you" kept playing in my head over and over again, and I couldn't get rid of them.   And after dropping this earth-shattering bomb, that bastard Lin Haoyuan refused to reveal too much, fell asleep in seconds and snored continuously, which made me so angry that I almost pinned him to the floor and beat him. I was awake almost until dawn. I seriously suspected that his self-esteem was hurt after he failed to catch up with Luo Zhuowei, so he began to ignore the facts, distorted right and wrong, and dragged me, his wingman, into the water to share his embarrassment.   But the sensitive nerves of puberty can't stand this kind of teasing. Even though I know that Lin Haoyuan said this to make me happy, I still can't control the stupid mentality in my

The Right Way to Approach the Goddess Chapter 12

Please consider turning off your Adblockers to support this website. Thank you! <3 Chapter 12 – She is Interested in You Weekend. Chen Hang was not sure if Lin Haoyuan has been blocked by some girls but he had been blocking the gate of his apartment complex for several nights. Fed up with this, Lin Haoyuan simply knocked on the door of his apartment with a pack of beer that was obviously been bought from the mini mart downstairs and rudely asked Chen Hang to take him in for the night. "They seem so powerful that she even chased you to my doorstep." I picked up a can and opened. I was about to say a few more insults to him with gloating, but suddenly I remembered that he told me half a month ago that he wanted to chase Luo Zhuowei. I looked at him: "Hey, aren't you going to pursue Luo Zhuowei?"   Although Lin Haoyuan has changed girlfriends very quickly since he started dating around, at least he would not do such things as hugging many women and cheating on t

The Right Way to Approach the Goddess Chapter 11

  Please consider turning off your Adblockers to support this website. Thank you! <3 Chapter 11 – Rain Luo Zhuowei had never thought that she and Chen Hang would be alone in this kind of situation.   After she and Chen Hang delivered the books entrusted by the head teacher to Duxue Building, the originally gloomy sky turned dark, and with bursts of thunder, heavy rain soon began to fall.   Neither she nor Chen Hang brought an umbrella, and the school campus was very large. The Duxue Building was quite far from the teaching building where Class 2 and Class 3 were located. In addition, the next PE class had been changed to self-study, so they both decided to wait here until the rain subsided before leaving.   The stairs that provide shelter from the rain are neither big nor small, and the distance between the two people is between unfamiliarity and familiarity. One more distance would seem distant, while one less distance would be too much.   The arm's length gap seemed like an in